set your idle location to a non-city for now
(02-26-2015, 03:49 PM)9874126 Wrote: [ -> ]How hard is it? It's been 2 days and still no update. The current system of getting those special node items is convoluted. I wonder why they haven't made it possible/simpler to just let me choose to gather 2 items in one unspoiled gathering node, especially when they are not even random slots at all.
Sorry if I seem to be venting here in your thread, I'm just a little upset.
Ok, since you are impatient, lets see how hard it can be.
Let's look for an example 1st, to see how normal rares are gathered. Lets try grade 3 thanalan topsoil for example. Item id 7766 ( you know how to get itemids, right? Either dev monitor or xivdb, not so hard so far.)
Ok, lets look inside all the lua files to see how item 7766 is handled. Hope you have notepad ++, cause opening them one by one will take forever.
Ok, we have 2 hits.
C:\minion\LuaMods\ffxivminion\ffxiv_task_gather.lua (1 hit)
Line 1482: [7766] = true,
C:\minion\LuaMods\ffxivminion\ffxiv_item_data.lua (2 hits)
Line 258723: [7766] = {
Line 258735: ["id"] = 7766;
tasks gather looks promising, lets play in there.
Hmm, line 1482 falls inside of a function called ffxiv_task_gather.gardening = and LOOK, there is a list of gardening items there!!! Do you think, maybe, you can ADD an ID there? (note, i have no idea how it works, or if it works, but it took me 2 minutes to find, rather than complaining that it took 2 days and it hasnt been updated)
Ok, lets say that works. Now, lets look at our second result.item_data.lua. Hmm, another table, this one looks like it is just the stats for the item.
[7766] = {
["attackRateHQ"] = 0;
["autoAttack"] = 0;
["autoAttackHQ"] = 0;
["blockRate"] = 0;
["blockRateHQ"] = 0;
["category"] = 21;
["classes"] = {
["defense"] = 0;
["defenseHQ"] = 0;
["equiplevel"] = 1;
["id"] = 7766;
["level"] = 50;
["mDamage"] = 0;
["mDamageHQ"] = 0;
["magicDefense"] = 0;
["magicDefenseHQ"] = 0;
["name"] = "Grade 3 Thanalan Topsoil";
["pDamage"] = 0;
["pDamageHQ"] = 0;
["rarity"] = 1;
["shieldRate"] = 0;
["shieldRateHQ"] = 0;
["slot"] = 0;
["stats"] = {
["statsHQ"] = {
["ui"] = 82;
Im going to assume the bot needs this entry for each item in order to work. 5 minutes spent looking.
I'll get the IDs in the morning for the new items and experiment with the bot. Manually adding these items will probably prompt the bot to overwrite these 2 files on next launch, so disable auto update for now while playing. And back up these files just in case.
give a man a fish, he eats for a day.....