what is click to teleport and click to travel do? can some 1 explain it, and how does it work?
Click to teleport teleports you to the location you select on your map. Click to travel runs you to the location. If I'm correct, you use Ctrl+Click to use either function.
1. Ctrl- Left Click is click to travel
2. Ctrl-Shit-Left Click is click to teleport ( use with care , you might get banned if your server hates people using bots )
They both can ONLY be used in your current map. AKA, you can click to travel/teleport beyond the map you are in.
can i use this hack on primal? so i can teleport to some save point while dps the boss.
Most of the primals that can be done this way already have profiles out. New primals can't be done because SE put in some antihack measures
Look under jackie profiles thread. He has them in his dropbox
thank you, will go look for it.