PHP Code:
if (markerType == GetString("unspoiledMarker") or markerType == GetString("botanyMarker") or markerType == GetString("miningMarker")) then
local requiredGP = tonumber(ml_task_hub:ThisTask().currentMarker:GetFieldValue(strings[gCurrentLanguage].minimumGP)) or 0
if (not ffxiv_task_gather.gatherStarted) then
if ( < requiredGP) then
if (((requiredGP - > 50) and gGatherUseCordials == "1") then
if (ItemIsReady(6141)) then
local newTask = ffxiv_task_useitem.Create()
newTask.itemid = 6141
return false
return true
return true
return true
local requiredGP = tonumber(ml_task_hub:ThisTask().currentMarker:GetFieldValue(strings[gCurrentLanguage].minimumGP)) or 0
This line will always return 0. Making the bot never use cordial. Can you please re-look at cordial usage?
Why do you think this line always returns 0?
I'm more refer to this portion:
PHP Code:
I have 5 stack of Cordials and I can't get it to use any of them.
I'm trying to burn the cordial testing on Fire Crystal. The skill uses 400 GP. Even when my char has less than 400 GP or no GP. It will not use Cordial at all. The option to use Cordial is selected.
I put in the d(requireGP) to see it in console and it always return 0. No matter what my GP at or what skill I set.
I checked the profile too. Profile only set for 1 skill only to minimize issue.
Any idea?
The minimumGP setting only exists on unspoiled markers right now, it hasn't been added to regular markers yet, but will be soon.
If you want to add it as I've done here to test it in the "ffxiv_task_gather.SetupMarkers" function, I think that'll be all that's required.
Just make sure you fill out what your minimum GP is for the marker as well. The cordial will only fire if you are more than 50 GP away from your minimum required, otherwise it will just wait a tick or 2.
Thank you Ace.
Added these to the file after declared the minimal value under marker setting. Doesn't seem to work at all. I gave up on this though it not worth the trouble for minimal gain.
PHP Code:
botanyMarker:AddField("string", strings[gCurrentLanguage].minimumGP, "0")
PHP Code:
miningMarker:AddField("string", strings[gCurrentLanguage].minimumGP, "0")
If I get around to it, I'll fix it up, but to be honest this about sums it up for me:
(10-16-2014, 02:24 AM)crayfish Wrote: [ -> ]not worth the trouble for minimal gain.
Edit: So it was a pretty simple add, going to just have it use a cordial if the Player is below 30% GP for regular nodes instead of worrying about all that minimum GP stuff, it doesn't really make much sense regular nodes.
Thank you Ace for all your support.
Is there a reason why my cordials aren't being used regularly on regular shard nodes? It's like it uses it ever once in a while.