No this is not me in the video so not sure what software he is running but it raises some questions...
I was approached by someone while mining who showed me this video. He was curious about why I skipped over nodes or went in a certain pattern. Supposedly they are spamming trades on people they suspect are botting and then reporting/filming them on youtube. My question is.... How does minion handle trade requests? or any other prodding from witch hunters? I usually mine busy as to avoid any tells but this is ridiculous. I did howerver tell him if he accused me of it again or bothered to spam me with trades that I would promptly report him for harassment.
This guy recording could get himself suspended. SE doesn't take harassment lightly, whether it's targeted towards bots or not. And to answer your question, minion doesn't accept trade requests.
It completely ignores a trade? So what happened to the guy in the video wont happen to minion users?
He posted....
Quote:Self explanatory. Bot was running for quite some time. GM requested that I not spam trade, so I stopped spamming trade, electing instead to just leave a trade window open... for hours.
For those wanting to stop mining bots, simply make a macro with /trade (t) on all 15 lines, with the parenthesis replaced by the less than/greater than brackets (youtube won't allow here).
Target the bot, and stand near a node that they have in their rotation. Spam the macro as the bot approaches, and if the trade dialog stays open while you are spamming, drag an item into the trade window and then stop spamming. The bot should remain disabled until you close the window.
Most bots will spam escape to close trade dialogs, but they cannot do this while attempting to gather. This is why catching the bot just before they start to mine is crucial.
Have fun wrecking bots.
We handled this a year ago. The bot should be declining trades and closing the window immediately.
And for the record, we don't "spam escape." That's bush league.
I'm so sorry for this Offtopic. but.. pony!
Sad truth: Most people "knowing" fine details about a specific bot have been using bots themself quite a long time and are (after they're getting bored because they can't do any more/have all they needed) quite experienced when it comes to a bots bugs.
Quote:We handled this a year ago. The bot should be declining trades and closing the window immediately.
And for the record, we don't "spam escape." That's bush league.
Quote:Self explanatory. Bot was running for quite some time. GM requested that I not spam trade, so I stopped spamming trade, electing instead to just leave a trade window open... for hours.
For those wanting to stop mining bots, simply make a macro with /trade (t) on all 15 lines, with the parenthesis replaced by the less than/greater than brackets (youtube won't allow here).
Target the bot, and stand near a node that they have in their rotation. Spam the macro as the bot approaches, and if the trade dialog stays open while you are spamming, drag an item into the trade window and then stop spamming. The bot should remain disabled until you close the window.
Most bots will spam escape to close trade dialogs, but they cannot do this while attempting to gather. This is why catching the bot just before they start to mine is crucial.
Have fun wrecking bots.
Are You sure?
I did one big mistake few days ago, when I was AFK from PC for two hours.
Farmed Snurble Tuffts + spiritbonded gear together.
Super safe farm, no danger to be killed.
When I came back, I was on my homepoint and had message in my ingame PM with ask "Hey, are you here?" - that message an one hour old.
So... I really dont know, what he did me, but I really think that he click on Trade and let mobs kill me. :(
Now I am very nervous if I am reported or not.
no probably what happened is you came across a Hunt mob and it killed you.
I know this is an old thread--but I have personally encountered the person who recorded this video on Malboro server. I can't say whether or not the person in the video was using minion, but I use it and have been victim to this 'bot hunter.' His method worked, whatever he did with timing the tradespam macro just as the mining was about to begin successfully caused minion to hang. And I thought I had too much time on my hands...
Should definitely be looked into.
For now your safest bet is to make sure you keep /busy up if you're going to be going AFK for extended periods of time, and hope that it doesn't get removed by a disconnect+relaunch.
If anyone ever does this to you, report them--trade spam harassment is a big deal and can get them into trouble
I can confirm that. It's possible.
Make a macro 15x /trade <t>.
Wait at the Gather Node, when the bot arrives, spam macro.
It will open the trade window and gathering cannot be executed.
On a probably off-topic note, I can say I've had my share of harassment while trying to gather unspoiled nodes at Mor Dhona. People have tried to MPK me for a few hours at a time since nearby mobs can be brought near the cluster nodes. Tried again another day and I didn't get bothered. Has anyone dealt with something like this? I decided not to report them, as it would draw too much attention to me.
I recommend using some gameplay recording software if you ever go AFK for extended periods of time for this purpose. Like that, if anyone decides to MPK you, you will know exactly who it was and when/where it happened as GMs always ask you for as much details as possible for harassment tickets.
Oh yeah I've also been giving shit for have the "busy" tag. People get really suspicious of that too for some reason (autistic persistent people).