is there a way to make them work at like 1 or 2 attempt left? i tried to set it in the skill profile but it will still use it before giving the 1st hit. Anyone can help me?
Bump I would also like to know how to do this. Manually I can get the increase but just can't get the bot to fire after the item is exposed.
Sorry to bump an old thread but I've been trying for days to get these skills to work without any luck. The bot always cast them before it takes its first swing at the node, resulting in no extra gather attempts. I've tried changing its order in the list and messing with the skill settings without any luck :(
On unspoiled nodes? I don't think it's necessary to use Ageless Word/Solid Reason in place of Toil skills is it? They provide the same benefit.
Ageless Word or Solid Reason is usually used in conjunction with Brunt Force or Deep Vigor for the 100% HQ chance. I used it mostly for the gathering of HQ redolent logs and HQ umbral rocks.
If you use Deep Vigor or Brunt Force in the skill manager profile, it will give your character 2 buffs (218+220). If you put solid reason and ageless word to activate when your character only has these 2 buffs (218+220) it should work correctly.
Toil gives you same results, with much less effort, and same GP cost.
same problem here
Toil need use it first attempt
GP640 > Toil300 > gp340 > Field mastery50 > gp290 > gather 2 times w/o HQskill recovery 5gp*2=10gp > gp300 > Leaf turn II 300 > Brunt force
GP640 > Field mastery50 > gp590 > Leaf turn II 300 > gp290 > 4attempts with 2 buffs and recovery gp20 > gp320 > AgelessWords300 > Brunt force
Thanks for the explanation, that makes things a little clearer.
I'm in the process of adding a "Gather Attempts <" condition to allow this to work. Should be updated sometime today.