How do you run 4 bots through a duty that doesn't have a mesh?
What settings do I need to put on the 3 bots to follow and assist the account that I am using on Assist?
The Duty in question is Garuda Normal. Im trying to get the bots to follow me and teleport to my location but they arent moving or teleporting
go into the duty and grab the map id from Teleporter.
now make a duty profile with
-- Persistent Data
local multiRefObjects = {
} -- multiRefObjects
local obj1 = {
["MapID"] = 167;
return obj1
change the map id. reload Lua modules on your bots and the profile should be there.
the profile should be placed in LuaMods\ffxivminion\DutyProfiles\
and named
well first duty mode doesnt have meshes. it doesnt use meshes it uses xyz coords from the profile where to teleport to. Just change the map ID for garuda ex to what ever the map ID is for garuda normal save it as a new file. the bots will auto TP to the same spot and kill her.
I'm sorry but I don't understand something here. I made the "blank" profile with the map id, and I can get all the bots to the dungeon. But when I use the Teleporter to teleport my party leader around, others do not follow. I use Duty-mode on all 4 of them with same profile. Uh... does this mean that I need to add the coordinates to the profile and save it and reload it in game? Or is there way that they all spawn to the leader's position and just start attacking the same target just by clicking it in-game? Sorry for hijacking the thread ^^;
Edit: Ah this thread kinda explains it!
But the question what remains, is that can you just teleport around in dungeon with leader and others will follow automatically?
YES lol like asked and answered 20+ times. you set the leader on assist. use the Dev Teleporter UP DOWN BACK FORWARD LEFT RIGHT buttons to move the leader around. the other 3 bots need to be on duty mode with the duty profile for the map you are on. They will then follow the leader around the duty.
Hah, ah the leader is on Assist. Thank you for your patience in answering the noob questions over and over again :D. (Oh and also thank you VERY much for your contributions to.. well everything!)