
Full Version: Can Launcher start the game as a normal process, not elevated to administrator?
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I can hook them in any order though and they both work, as long as the game itself was launched normally, and not as admin by the launcher. Once the game is launched as admin, even manually, GW will not hook. It's simple to check if you are willing, you dont even need to log in to the gw client to have it try to attach.

I've just resorted to using gw on my main account since I have to launch/attach manually . Launching 4/8 is too much of a bother for the little utility they offer a multiboxer. It's biggest utility atm is cross server shouts anyway, since hunts and nexus lights have lost some of their utility with 2.4. If it gets fixed, great! If not, oh well, maybe stan will reconsider.
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