guys i downloader all book info from the link in the first threat but don't know inwich folder i need to set them can help me pls?
(11-24-2014, 11:05 AM)sebbs Wrote: [ -> ]Install files here.....
![[Image: 2cgkgg9.png]](
Select task and enable.
![[Image: 2lm9cah.png]](
New little addon which compliments TaskMaster very nicely for duty runs found Here
This will make farming Relic drops, Duty Leveling etc etc so much easier.
This is being tested by me right now but here is a leveling pack with most of the work done for you all. (3 Dungeons in no issues)
Let me know if any bugs occur and thanks to Nasoo for the duty swap add-on.
Task Master (Credit to Earisu)
Duty Swap add-on (Credit to Nasoo)
Leveling Profiles (Credit to Cichard)
Leveling Tasks (Myself)
The task is specificly for classes made after all dungeons are unlocked and will follow the Duties shown Here.
15-20 Satasha
20-24 Halatali
24-28 Toto-Rak
28-35 Hauke Manor
35-38 Sunken Temple
38-42 Cutter's Cry
42-44 Stone Vigil
44-47 Dzemael Darkhold
47-50 Aurum Vale
Put Duties in folder \LuaMods\ffxivminion\DutyProfiles
Use the task on the Leader who needs to be the lowest level.
Use the switch addon on the others.
Have fun.
this post shows were to install
it don't work ....because when open tastmanager and ask me to select task there is no one file that i can set....and i have all downloaded from the dropbox of the one that create that...
i don't know in wich folder i need set them ; ; can help pls lol
they go in the task folder.......
i put them in the task folder but they don't let me select any task when i run the bot in game
when try to select wich book do it's none in the list
(02-24-2015, 09:52 PM)Cichard Wrote: [ -> ]they go in the task folder.......
Sorry about tryin to help and not sure if this is why he cant get it to work... I just looked at the new download file and i see it is missing the
module.def file and the TaskManager.lua file could that be why he cant get it to work?
the new download just has the leveling pack folder, the with duties folder and all the book files
i try to update all now we will see if work btw all folder with tastmanager.lua and module.def is corect i think it's my bad and don't know where to put this files
Sorry I tried I will the the people smarter then me help set you on right path.... Good luck
U need to create a folder called "TaskManager" inside "LuaMods" and then put this 3 file inside then put inside folder called "Tasks" the book and u will see it work^^
ok i got it now work^^ ty for help btw i downloaded all 9 book why was only 3 book before inside the folder?
and then the bot will do all 3 fate? i see it stopped at the first one