02-28-2015, 07:47 PM
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03-01-2015, 12:59 AM
Aces changes will make discovery automatic in future
03-01-2015, 03:57 PM
(03-01-2015, 12:59 AM)sebbs Wrote: [ -> ]Aces changes will make discovery automatic in future
i look forward to the update
so im trying to add fishing to my task list and my understanding is if i fish in one spot for too long i can no longer catch fish so i need a way to trigger the next fishing spot like the times in the marker manager.
my understanding is the task manager needs to create the markers it uses. so the setting needs to be in the script here is what i have so far and it all works except the fish switching to avoid the fishing time cap.
basicly i need to switch between 2 and 3 in the example below
is it possible to make task list that includes fishing in the this way ?
if there is a better way to do it let me know
-- Persistent Data
local multiRefObjects = {
} -- multiRefObjects
local obj1 = {
["tasks"] = {
[0] = {
["mode"] = "Gather";
["markerMode"] = "Single Marker";
["markerType"] = "botanyMarker";
["markerName"] = "Botany 20";
["useStealth"] = "1";
["maxLevel"] = 26;
["gearset"] = 7;
["location"] = {
["map"] = 141;
["mesh"] = "Central Thanalan";
[1] = {
["mode"] = "Gather";
["markerType"] = "miningMarker";
["marker"] = "miningCustom01";
["useStealth"] = "1";
["maxLevel"] = 16;
["gearset"] = 8;
["location"] = {
["map"] = 140;
["mesh"] = "Western Thanalan";
["x"] = 21.846586227417;
["y"] = 56.982032775879;
["z"] = 344.02307128906;
[2] = {
["mode"] = "Fish";
["markerType"] = "fishingMarker";
["marker"] = "f0";
["useStealth"] = "1";
["maxLevel"] = 16;
["gearset"] = 9;
["location"] = {
["map"] = 134;
["mesh"] = "Middle La Noscea";
["x"] = 129.58346557617;
["y"] = 48.688491821289;
["z"] = 20.347091674805;
[3] = {
["mode"] = "Fish";
["markerType"] = "fishingMarker";
["marker"] = "f1";
["useStealth"] = "1";
["maxLevel"] = 16;
["gearset"] = 9;
["location"] = {
["map"] = 134;
["mesh"] = "Middle La Noscea";
["x"] = 12.592708587646;
["y"] = 59.713031768799;
["z"] = -230.45869445801;
[4] = {
["mode"] = "Grind";
["fateId"] = "";
["gearset"] = 1;
["maxLevel"] = 51;
["location"] = {
["map"] = 141;
["mesh"] = "Central Thanalan";
return obj1
03-01-2015, 07:12 PM
(02-28-2015, 03:07 AM)shebert13 Wrote: [ -> ]Any update on a Cutter's Cry fix?
Have told ace about the error.
Will check if fixed later today
03-02-2015, 12:13 AM
ok so with the use of multibot server is it possible to have the animus books switch profiles on all 4 bots and do the duties as well?
03-02-2015, 12:32 AM
Do you mean have 1 doing the book and it swaps all chars or all 4 doing the books ?
03-02-2015, 12:51 AM
1 doing the book and i have 3 others in party waiting for the dungeon part. so then the one doing the book switches the profile of all 4 bots via multibot server. so basically the one bot doing the book kills all the mobs kills all the fates then switches to duty mode switches the other 3 bots that are in the part to the same profile then completes the 3 duties, then i can come back do the 3 leve quests and start the next book. this way it could be tacked on to the end of the current profiles to do the 3 duties
03-02-2015, 02:07 AM
I would think that it should be doable with duty switcher if the party leader is the one running TM and doing the book. Set each dutycount to 1 if not already done so
03-02-2015, 02:15 AM
yeah it would have to be added though to the current profile right? cause it just stops after last fate
03-02-2015, 04:07 AM
IIRC, there were some TM profiles with the duties already added. You would have to put the duties in front of the fates tho, since fate counting is currently broken.