the bot defines movment its self in grind mode. If you want to move hte bot you need to be in assist mode. Other wise enable avoid aoe in grind mode.
you set the bot mode to assist lol.... Assist mode just does the rotation for you. You have to control where the bot moves and what the bot targets.

Ok guys so I'm having this small problem, It was all working perfectly , it killed all 100 mobs and it was camping fate, now what happened is that I disabled bot for a sec and re enabled task manager and now he wants to kill all 100 mobs again :( ..... isn't there a way to resume from where it was?
you just have to change the "start task" towhat task it left off at.
I don't understand how this addon works.
i want to do something simple, farm multiples instances one after an other.
So i put on a file under TaskManager/Tasks :
-- Persistent Data
local multiRefObjects = {
} -- multiRefObjects
local obj1 = {
["tasks"] = {
[0] = {
["mode"] = "Duty";
["dutyProfile"] = "50_Gaurda_EX+loot";
["dutyCount"] = 1;
[1] = {
["mode"] = "Duty";
["dutyProfile"] = "[Primals]50_Titan_ex_loot";
["dutyCount"] = 1;
return obj1
When i start the task manager, it just activate the bot in his current state (meaning of the bot have fishing selected, it will start it as fisher. It don't select either the bot mode or the duty.
I probably did not get something right.
Check your console for errors.
Check my links for the format on how to make them.
Your missing a map id mesh name etc.
And there is no way to queue duties without moving anywhere ?
Id need to try it but adding a map id will queue from anywhere on that map.
Ok, i will give a try.
I did try with an other file using the map id of the zone but without setting a valid mesh name, maybe it's because of that.