(04-12-2015, 01:03 PM)Koisagi Wrote: [ -> ]A quick question can i tell the task manager to distinguish between a mature tree and lush vegetation, one more can i get the auto start feature to work with task manager
You can use the contentid in the marker to specify object type.
Have you redownloaded aces version? it works fine for me after it was updated.
My dropbox has a copy also
thanks i have downloaded the taskmanager.lua from a few threads back, the contentid line fixed the problem, it works fine now ty.
Hi! i just started to use task manger today for gathering. unfortunately the bot did not change zones after collection 10 item (10 is just for testing). do i have to put in the item id of the shards so task manger knows how much collected? and if so, where can i get the item id?
Thanks :)
-- Persistent Data
local multiRefObjects = {
} -- multiRefObjects
local obj1 = {
["tasks"] = {
[0] = {
["mode"] = "Gather";
["markerType"] = "miningMarker";
["marker"] = "Mining 30";
["useStealth"] = "0";
["itemId"] = 0;
["itemCount"] = 10;
["gearset"] = 9;
["gatherItemName"] = "Windscherbe";
["location"] = {
["map"] = 152;
["mesh"] = "East Shroud";
["x"] = 112.38732910156;
["y"] = -20.523370742798;
["z"] = -506.40513000488;
[1] = {
["mode"] = "Gather";
["markerType"] = "miningMarker";
["marker"] = "Mining 30";
["useStealth"] = "0";
["itemId"] = 0;
["itemCount"] = 10;
["gearset"] = 9;
["gatherItemName"] = "Blitzscherbe";
["location"] = {
["map"] = 146;
["mesh"] = "Southern Thanalan";
["y"] = 7.64693450928;
["x"] = 206.430469512939;
["z"] = -6.54364013672;
return obj1
(04-16-2015, 05:04 PM)Westwood Wrote: [ -> ]Hi! i just started to use task manger today for gathering. unfortunately the bot did not change zones after collection 10 item (10 is just for testing). do i have to put in the item id of the shards so task manger knows how much collected? and if so, where can i get the item id?
Thanks :)
-- Persistent Data
local multiRefObjects = {
} -- multiRefObjects
local obj1 = {
["tasks"] = {
[0] = {
["mode"] = "Gather";
["markerType"] = "miningMarker";
["marker"] = "Mining 30";
["useStealth"] = "0";
["itemId"] = 0;
["itemCount"] = 10;
["gearset"] = 9;
["gatherItemName"] = "Windscherbe";
["location"] = {
["map"] = 152;
["mesh"] = "East Shroud";
["x"] = 112.38732910156;
["y"] = -20.523370742798;
["z"] = -506.40513000488;
[1] = {
["mode"] = "Gather";
["markerType"] = "miningMarker";
["marker"] = "Mining 30";
["useStealth"] = "0";
["itemId"] = 0;
["itemCount"] = 10;
["gearset"] = 9;
["gatherItemName"] = "Blitzscherbe";
["location"] = {
["map"] = 146;
["mesh"] = "Southern Thanalan";
["y"] = 7.64693450928;
["x"] = 206.430469512939;
["z"] = -6.54364013672;
return obj1
Yes you do.
right now it is counting for 10 of item 0.
search here
the item number is in the address bar.
in this case wind shard is number 4.
![[Image: 794101aa01.png]](http://puu.sh/hgxrU/794101aa01.png)
ok thanks a lot! but i didnt change zones after collecting ten shards :/
could you also tell me where i can find the x y z coordinates of the zones?
The dev console in the top menu.
Open player tab. Turn it on at the bottom.
It will show you the current mapid and current xyz position.
ok! works like a charm now :)))
Hello people,
Thanks for all this work but i think it don't work for me.
My char is now level 15 (pexing with quest) and i read the best way for pex now is the Fate.
I downloaded the taskmanager + leveling profil + the fix for the .lua but in game, i don't realy know how to configure it.
When i launch the bot, there is an error => can't teleport because i don't have the aethérit portal" something like this.
When i put "Current task 11" i have the same problem.
In the console i have this message "failed with [string "taskmanager.lua"] 464
IS someone can help me for:
- Make working the task manager for make the FATE
- Have a solution maybe collect all "aetherian portal" for not have the error anymore.
Thx a lot.
(04-17-2015, 01:07 PM)tata01 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello people,
Thanks for all this work but i think it don't work for me.
My char is now level 15 (pexing with quest) and i read the best way for pex now is the Fate.
I downloaded the taskmanager + leveling profil + the fix for the .lua but in game, i don't realy know how to configure it.
When i launch the bot, there is an error => can't teleport because i don't have the aethérit portal" something like this.
When i put "Current task 11" i have the same problem.
In the console i have this message "failed with [string "taskmanager.lua"] 464
IS someone can help me for:
- Make working the task manager for make the FATE
- Have a solution maybe collect all "aetherian portal" for not have the error anymore.
Thx a lot.
if you want to level up via fates you do not need this addon at all. set the bot to grind mode then under settings it has do fates do fates only. you can also set up wait % values based on type of fate. I.E set boss fates to 1% so that other people are already there fighting before you charge in. 15-50 takes 2 days. Run Aleport 15-30, and Corethas 30-50.