Our Offer |
You are a young Developer and you are creating a Bot, Hack or Tool?
We know how much time it takes to create such a project and we also know how much additional work you are having to deal with in order to have a platform where you are able to release your hard work. Not to mention maintaining the website,the Forum and trying to provide a good support to your users
We are going to help you publish & promote YOUR work!
We are offering our website as platform to any developer(s) who want to release their projects to the public.
In order to make your life easier, we can provide you with the following help:
- A nicely designed Website(yes, I'm refering to :P)
- Your own Forum Section
- Your Product promotion on our frontsite
- Additional sub-sites where your product will also be promoted or explained, similiar to this: RiftMinion Productsite
- Be a Moderator and publish new news regarding your Product on our main site
- Provide Help & Support through our integrated Help & Support center, including Ticketsystem and LiveChat
- If it applies to you, sell your ideas through Paypal, we will help you set everything up and integrate it into our website
- Make use of our Affiliate-Sale-System and attract a lot of new users by using it
- Take advantage of the fast growing user base of mmominion and our partners and help making it grow even faster
- Get in contact with a friendly team of Devs who do all this with a lot of fun an passion
- Make yourself a name in this kind of business!
- Any other ideas you may have on your mind? Just let us know!
Why are we offering this?
We know there are a lot of young devs out there who code their tools but always find it way to hard to set everything else up in order to go public with it. At the same time, you can see a large number of scamming sites popping up in the internet lately, scamming the users by either beeing online only for 1-3 months, taking the users money and then disappear, or just scam them right from the beginning. Although our business may look "borderline legal" to some people, we belive that no one should fear getting scammed while paying for such tools. Therefore we are also in talk with similiar websites like ours, in order to provide a partner-network of websites the users can trust in. So anyone who is having the same intentions and wants be a part of a great developer community is more than welcome to get in contact with us!'"
I'm interested, what to do now?
Just hop into our live chat and we will talk about it (or send a PM to one of the admins)