Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Duty mode" (How to set up Duty Mode) - Printable Version

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Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Duty mode" (How to set up Duty Mode) - Cichard - 08-29-2014

This guide is going to go over "How to set up Duty Mode". This is not a tutoiral on how to create duty profiles.


Other threads you may want to check out before trying Duty Mode. (List of Duty Commands and example profile) Mananger)

Toget started the first thing you need to do is set all 4 bots "Bot Mode:" to Duty
[Image: kH4Ovg7.png]

Next you want to set the Profile for the Duty you are going to run
[Image: zjJ8xdQ.png]

Next you want to select the skill profile for the class you want to run
[Image: 6cC5sX7.png]

Next under the settings tab you can set loot options (if you are doing chest or bosses in your profiles)
[Image: LqAx1bb.png]

Now with v1.5 you can use melee in duty mode!!!! (Make sure not to set your leader as melee ) Enable Telecast for melee characters.

[Image: qUdxiMw.png]

Finally set your reset timer(This is for if for some reason you fail to requeue for the duty it will try to queue again by the value in Seconds you set here.)
[Image: epikzS4.png]

Once all this is set up and your 4 bots are grouped up you can enable the bots enjoy Duty mode!

RE: Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Duty mode" (How to set up Duty Mode) - opengrip - 09-03-2014

Is there any videos of this working anywhere? Also will this work if I use Dutyfinder and use 3 random people or does it have to be a preset group of bots? Still new to most of this and its hard to find info in the forums sometimes when a lot of it could be outdated etc

RE: Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Duty mode" (How to set up Duty Mode) - random73 - 09-03-2014

You need a group of 4 bots ( or 8 bots for higher content ) or others who also use bots. You can't use this with regular Duty with people who has no bots. The bot will not walk around the dungeon and do stuff ( I heard that's the goal but it's not yet in the bot )

The Duty mode basically will tp your bot leader around and the other bots will follow it.


RE: Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Duty mode" (How to set up Duty Mode) - Cichard - 09-03-2014

(09-03-2014, 03:05 PM)opengrip Wrote:  Is there any videos of this working anywhere? Also will this work if I use Dutyfinder and use 3 random people or does it have to be a preset group of bots? Still new to most of this and its hard to find info in the forums sometimes when a lot of it could be outdated etc

No video is needed it takes all of 3 seconds to set up duty mode. the first step says.... SET ALL 4 BOTS to duty mode...... last line Once all this is set up and your 4 bots are grouped up you can enable the bots enjoy Duty mode!..... you must use 4 bots.

RE: Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Duty mode" (How to set up Duty Mode) - opengrip - 09-03-2014

OK cool I was just assuming it could have been for safety reasons but figured it would be worth asking as when I bot I mostly am in front of my comp anyways. Can someone give me a brief description of how it works when you have 4-8 bots running at once? Does it run the dungeon kill all the mobs and loot everything automattically? Or is it some sort of hack once you get in? I cant imagine a bot being able to clear titan extreme or any of the coils lol

RE: Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Duty mode" (How to set up Duty Mode) - Cichard - 09-03-2014

You TP above the mobs heads they bug out they cannot touch you. Titan atm there is no profile for it. but Ifrit ex and Garuda ex you can. It will loot or you can do profiles to farm gill.

RE: Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Duty mode" (How to set up Duty Mode) - opengrip - 09-03-2014

Ah this makes sense why you cant do it in DF then lol Thanks Jackie! any ETA on the hunt guide being done! Really curious to how it works as I do a lot of manual hunting already!

RE: Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Duty mode" (How to set up Duty Mode) - random73 - 09-03-2014

There is a link to how Hunt generally work if you want to get your hands wet before tutorial is up

RE: Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Duty mode" (How to set up Duty Mode) - Cichard - 09-03-2014

The thing with hunts is Ace is redoing all that because of how SE changed it. so i was told to wait on the hunt tutorial till he finishes it.

RE: Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Duty mode" (How to set up Duty Mode) - opengrip - 09-03-2014

Oh well that is good to know! Ill wait till he does to then!