Can someone explain how to level crafting with WPE? - Printable Version

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Can someone explain how to level crafting with WPE? - Naejin - 02-15-2015

I don't need specifics on the process, just want to know the method. I found an older post on another site that used levequests. Seems pretty conspicuous. Are others just sending the materials or what?

RE: Can someone explain how to level crafting with WPE? - rsilva712 - 02-15-2015

The levequest one is the one that should be working. The JSON one was patched long ago.

RE: Can someone explain how to level crafting with WPE? - Cichard - 02-16-2015

WPE is easy you just record teh XP pack the very last synth and then play it back on repeat at like 3 second interverals.

RE: Can someone explain how to level crafting with WPE? - Naejin - 02-16-2015

Jackie, have you used it recently? All the info I found on Google was over a year old.

RE: Can someone explain how to level crafting with WPE? - Tru14 - 02-16-2015

Leveled all my crafts with it. It works. Levequests don't. Well, if they do I could not figure out how to get the multiple turn-ins to register. But using WPE to sit and craft from 1-50 takes a few hours if you update the crafted item every 10 or so levels.

RE: Can someone explain how to level crafting with WPE? - Cichard - 02-16-2015

yup i'm using it right now.

RE: Can someone explain how to level crafting with WPE? - Naejin - 02-16-2015

Great, thanks guys.

RE: Can someone explain how to level crafting with WPE? - rsilva712 - 02-16-2015

I'm going to get a trial account and play with some things. Anyone ever try doing things like recording combat leve turn-ins, sealant turn-ins, token turn-ins? Combat would make leveling trivial solo.

Also, are packets client specific? Could you record one packet crafting, say, an HQ lvl 49 item, and use that packet on a lvl 1 to get the boosted xp, or do you have to stick within your craftable level range?

RE: Can someone explain how to level crafting with WPE? - Tru14 - 02-16-2015

I tried crafting and combat leves. It didn't work for me but I tried it when WPE was new to me so I may have overlooked some things. I also tried it to make gil on higher level turn in leves but that didn't work, either. However, leveling crafts/FC points works great.

RE: Can someone explain how to level crafting with WPE? - Naejin - 02-16-2015

I know in WoW, you could briefly use it to send a quest completion packet for Shadowmourne. Wonder if something similar is possible for relic weapons and upgrades?