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Fates on the Newest Update(s)
The idea behind Details section is pretty sweet, and if it works and/or I can understand it it will be a god-send, but I'm noticing several issues.

First: My lvl 50 toons grinding in Northern Than still face check Gorgimora all alone, even with 10% complete listed under the "Boss Fates" and do the same thing with Cancer in La Noscea. Is there a way I can see what Fates are marked as what or adjust them to fit what I think they should be (I'd assume you'd categorize both of those as "Boss" Fates but maybe not)?

*This could be the case on other toons in other locations at other levels...these are the only ones I've tried and tested multiple times.

Second: All toons will marker grind. I can't grind Fates AND grind markers though. I've tested this across 6 classes, level ranges from 16-50 with different profiles in almost every zone. If "Do Fates" is checked they just hang out and do nothing.

If I check "Do Fates" and "Do Fates Only" on a lvl 50 toon they'll do Fates. If I check the same things on a lower level toon it will inconsistently move to a grind marker (most of the time it won't move at all) but once at said marker it will neither do Fates or grind, instead moving between markers (when on Marker List) or standing still (when on Single Marker). They will inconsistently kill mobs when attacked, but even that seems to be 50/50 at best.

I've confirmed that the Fate ranges are well inside the level range of the toon and zone...I've tried setting both to "0", max to +20, etc...the default of +5/-0 doesn't work...changing it doesn't work.

I'm really interested in giving the Hunt Log a try, and would be very excited to see the Fate enhancements work (or understand how they work) but for the moment I'm back to mindlessly smacking sheep and bumble bees...and that makes me sad.
Make sure you have TM uninstalled before going any further. In all recent cases concerning FATEs not working properly, this has been the reason.
You're absolutely right! Thanks Ace! Bummer though...Task Manager was pretty awesome.

Installing and updating took care of the problem Fate/Grind issue though just like you thought it would!

Haven't had a chance to check a Boss fate but hopefully that's also corrected :)
One of the last posts in the thread by Cichard in the TaskManager thread is a modified version that should work.

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