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Not using hookset for Stupendemys?
When fishing for red scrip fish at The Habisphere, the bot will use the proper hookset for Rudder Fish (Status ID: 57), but it won't use any hookset for the Stupendemys, which results in the fish getting away most of the time.

Is there any way to make it use the proper hookset for the Stupendemys?
(It appears the Status ID is 58)
So what is the "proper hookset" when the status is 58?
Sorry Ace, misworded, I was wondering if there was a proper hookset for it.
Do you have the marker setup to use patience or patience 2? I don't know if either of the hooksets can be used without that.
I have the marker set to use Patience.
I looked on the Official Forums, XIVdb, and FF14Angler, none have any reports of either hookset working or not, so perhaps it doesn't have one that corresponds with Stupendemys?

The devs' reasoning may be, that it would make farming red scrips by it a bit too easy? This is just speculation on my part.

I'll give both of them a shot and see if either hookset works and I'll report back.

I also found out that I chose one of the most annoying fish to gather for red scrips, better alternatives would be Thunderbolt Eel and Tiny Axolotl. It took me about 2 stacks of Giant Crane Flies to catch about 6 of them [Stupendemys] for Red Scrips.
Hey Ace, at initial glance, it seems like Status ID: 58 is a big pull (it makes me get up off the chair).

I've had some success using the Powerful Hookset, and have added the following lines to the ffxiv_task_fish.lua file to make testing it a bit easier:
elseif (status == 58 and powerfulHook and powerfulHook.isready) then

I'll continue to test it to ensure that it is the correct hookset for Status ID: 58.
I'll keep you posted.

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