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Teleport - Sea of Clouds

When using the hack "Teleport" in the Sea of Clouds to go to a fishing marker, I fall through the map.
This is a marker that is used while using Legendary Fisher.

This error popped open afterwards.

[Image: Capture.png]

you probably have unstuck enabled
I just checked and I have it de-selected.

[Image: Capture.jpg]
oh yeah i guess thats when you are off mesh for to long, you probably need to add a mesh to the area you are going to or the marker location is under ground.
I am using the mesh for Sea of Clouds that come with the bot (Latty's Meshes)

It only falls under the ground sometimes, but sometimes it works just fine. Could it be "Randomize Movement?"

This is the area I fall off and you can see the area is meshed. Could it be that its because the mesh doesn't go all the way up to the edge of the ledge?
[Image: Capture.jpg]

It looks like the marker doesn't meet up with the mesh, could that be it?
[Image: Capture.jpg]
could be could be bad placement of the marker also. i been running that area on my bots grinding and have no issues ever with TPing underground.
Okay thanks Cichard, I will try moving it a bit closer to the mesh, thanks!

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