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Number Of Mats needed oddly high
I have been searching forums and don't see anything about it. Im new to the crafting aspect although have figured it out. Now it only does one synth and then says I need a crazy high amount for the next synth. IE poison pots. said I needed 255 ochu vines 67 pudding flesh and 43 quicksilver for my next synth, even though typically only require one. If I select the bot to none then close the crafting menu ingame reopen and reselect crafting minion it works again. I wanna go afk and make the proper amount I have the mats for tho. Any tickets open on this or possible workarounds? help is appreciated in advance. thanks :)
I have the same issue with alchemy and have a post open for it in lua mods not sure what is going on
its a bug they are working on it;
shitty lol alchemy and cul is about all I craft with now im all 50s and I also find myself dieing in fates cuz I cant unequip my crystal since I need to uses my zenith lol

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