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(Question) Regarding gathering markers
Ok so ive finally got round to making my own gathering markers for collecting stuff in 2.0 area & as im finding the node spawn really close to each other im wanting to know what the best way to handle marker placement, here an example of what ive been doing (im using google maps for ease access to clear pic

pic 1
[Image: fvynBid.png]
So using this picture as an example ive been placing a marker at ever node & it working fine sometimes the bot runs to a marker & the node not spawn yet,

So would this work better as node spawn are really close to each other if i increase the node range to like 500 would this work better as then it can see the closes node as it spawn & there only 1 marker in the middle
pic 2
[Image: cctjp4l.png]
i dont mind placing a marker as every node but if i make any mistake & lose my marker it a pain to redo them all & with only 1 marker i can handle what items i want from the node faster as then there only 1 item that need to be changed & not having me go through every marker to make the changes, also this is in an area where there no other nodes mixed in like lv 30 nodes i want & lv 40 nodes i dont, if i was in a area like that i would use single markers
markers are not waypoints. all you would need is 1 marker in the center of the gathering area. I suggest you read the Marker tutorial and read and watch the gathering videos. all the 2.0 areas come with markers already in every zone to be able to farm at every pack of nodes. based on level.

nodes spawn in packs. So say there are 6 nodes. you gather 1, 2 and 3, you gather 4, then 1 resapwns, you gather 5, 2 respawns, you gather 6, and 3 respawns. then you go back to 1 so forth and so on. The bot will move on to the closest node from its current position. since 1, 2, 3, have already been harvested and are not respawned yet it will ove along the area. Gathering is very simple to set up.

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