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Timeworn Dragonskin Map
The bot seems to be ignoring this rather significant item while harvesting Aurum Regis Sand (and most likely others). Any solution to it? I tried editing .info file in the FFXIVMinion\Navigation but it seems to overwrite itself.
["gathermaps"] = true; or ["gathermaps"] = "12243"; in a profile. If you're using markers, just set the "gather maps" combo box to "any" or whatever it says.
(10-15-2015, 03:37 AM)Ace Wrote:  ["gathermaps"] = true; or ["gathermaps"] = "12243"; in a profile. If you're using markers, just set the "gather maps" combo box to "any" or whatever it says.

I am using markers. And yes, I have been checking both "gather maps" and "any" options. However, when I click on the list of maps it only lists "Piesteskin Only" as the only option besides "any" and "none".

Could it be that the detection for these maps is not added for HW areas or is this just a user error?
The detection should work fine, could be that you're currently holding a map, so it won't attempt to get more, since that would just bug out.
The problem with Any is some of those spots also have a Wyvernskin map and you end up getting that instead of Dragonskin maps.

What I did to get around it and make it always get Dragonskin maps was make a batch file with the following command and ran it after every update:

powershell -command "(GC C:\MMOMinon\Bots\FFXIVMinion\LuaMods\ffxivminion\ffxiv_task_gather.lua) -replace '6692', '12243' | Out-File -encoding ASCII C:\MMOMinon\Bots\FFXIVMinion\LuaMods\ffxivminion\ffxiv_task_gather.lua"

Just replace the path with where you have your minion installed and if you now select Piesteskin it will get Dragonskin.
Or just use a profile in the manner I mention above. Work smarter not harder.
(10-16-2015, 10:00 AM)Ace Wrote:  Or just use a profile in the manner I mention above. Work smarter not harder.

Well if gathering profiles work anything like fishing stuff that I would assume that there is no UI to place markers quickly. I test my rotations and frequently make changes. Having to copy&paste line-by-line of coordinates into the profile is kind of time consuming, let alone having to deal with not being able to "see" the marker.

But then again. Once I get down a good gathering rotation I could always re-make it as a profile...
(10-16-2015, 02:34 AM)Ace Wrote:  The detection should work fine, could be that you're currently holding a map, so it won't attempt to get more, since that would just bug out.
Ace, take a look at this. As far as I know I have everything selected correctly but it is simply ignoring the map that is there. I am not asking for a fix or anything but if you plan on keeping gathering markers around maybe you could investigate this a little further. It is not a high priority issue but it is still an annoying bug.

[Image: 2expsnm.jpg]

PS: I know! Sorry for not using gathering profiles haha!
I sent up an update, with what I think is a fix, but also some debugging lines to help solve the puzzle if not. The extra debugging lines will require "gather debug" enabled and set to level 3.

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