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EU Server: time desynch?
Don't know if it's related to server changes, but it seems that now my bot is completly off regarding Eorzea time

[Image: 3e1dbe37f7.jpg]

Everything else, but minion is sync on my pc, what could be the issue?
Eorzea Time is not the same as Server Time
HE in french (my game language) means Heure Eorzenne, so Eorzea Time, basically, those two time should be the same on the screen, i can see my gather tasks have delay, then fail due to that.
Perhaps it's only on my computer, but i tried many things, ntp sync and reset, re-install of both game and minion, still have it :)
Just wondering if i missed something :)

Quick Edit: did not had issues before, but i was not botting much lately, at least with time tasks :)
I will have to check it when I get home. Maybe they adjusted the servers or something.
Don't worry too much, i play legit in the meantime \o/
And i'm perhaps the only one who get that :)
Mine seems to be reporting the correct time regardless of which time zone I pick.. not sure. Seems like some sort of weird daylight savings time adjustment is occurring.
first screen, i had 55+16min = 71 min Eorzea time diff (first screen was almost at the lauch)

[Image: 292961a468.jpg]

seems to be the same few hours after (always 71/72 Eorzea min)

Hope it will help :p

Tried on another PC (had to install everything to test, took a long time :p ), seems to be ok, so it must be computer related, but still wondering what that is ^^
Usually it's a timezone issue with the local os clock, since that's what we read.

If you type (into the console):

It should give you the proper UTC time, which should be the correct offset away from your computer's time.

Additionally, you should be able to do:

And if you google for "JST time", the number here should correspond to the current time in JST.

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