Fastest way known is using
Palace of The Dead. It unlocks from Gridania at lvl 17 (look for the blue Quest near the Airship landing) and you can enter it from Quarrymill.
And while you are away use this fantastic bot to grind FATES and/or Mobs
without the need to buy any add-ons, just using its
Grind Mode.
Although i would suggest, for
the easiest character handling possible and room to make whatever customization you want, i would buy the
ACR addons on the class you love, like Servantes or Emperor.
If you have Main Scenario Quests i would buy
1-50 Story and Side Quests from Latty and
50-60 Story and Side Quests from Latty, Side quests can give you great XP and items.
For Job Quests i would buy any of the
Sebb's Class Questpacks depending your job preferance, they can unlock jobs and do the annoying job quests.
For Crafting i would go here and use
genetic's profiles and
his guide also again using this wonderful bot,
without the need to buy any addon.
For Gathering, Sebbs Addon is a
MUST called (1-60) Gathering Classes, it includes the job quests.
That's about it.
Also try to do Daily Roulettes and/or leves of course but Palace is the way to go. Leveling is very easy nowadays, so you will catch up in no time and this bot makes the job effortless.
Edit: forgot to mention the Tribe Quests that give good XP and tomes so the InDaSkyz addon is perfect for the job, but it is a new addon and has only 2 tribes so far but it updates quickly so it should have the
remaining ones fairly quick.