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Bot only doing Step 1
Hey, trying to make a simple Gathering profile that has 4 steps, 1 for each node location on the map. It seems it just goes to the location of Step 1, doesn't find a node.. and sits there forever instead of going to Step 2 which is the next location.

-- Persistent Data
local multiRefObjects = {

} -- multiRefObjects
local obj1 = {
["tasks"] = {
[1] = {
["collectGP"] = 0;
["item1"] = "Titanium Ore";
["item2"] = "Raw Star Sapphire";
["mapid"] = 398;
["maxlevel"] = 70;
["mingp"] = 0;
["minlevel"] = 1;
["nodemaxlevel"] = 70;
["nodeminlevel"] = 55;
["pos"] = {
["h"] = 2.55;
["x"] = 499.96;
["y"] = -33.15;
["z"] = -417.52;
["radius"] = 150;
["skillprofile"] = "Gathering_HQ";
["type"] = "Mining";
["usestealth"] = true;
[2] = {
["collectGP"] = 0;
["item1"] = "Titanium Ore";
["item2"] = "Raw Star Sapphire";
["mapid"] = 398;
["maxlevel"] = 70;
["mingp"] = 0;
["minlevel"] = 1;
["nodemaxlevel"] = 70;
["nodeminlevel"] = 55;
["pos"] = {
["h"] = 2.09;
["x"] = 295.64;
["y"] = -30.03;
["z"] = -430.79;
["radius"] = 150;
["skillprofile"] = "Gathering_HQ";
["type"] = "Mining";
["usestealth"] = true;
[3] = {
["collectGP"] = 0;
["item1"] = "Titanium Ore";
["item2"] = "Raw Star Sapphire";
["mapid"] = 398;
["maxlevel"] = 70;
["mingp"] = 0;
["minlevel"] = 1;
["nodemaxlevel"] = 70;
["nodeminlevel"] = 55;
["pos"] = {
["h"] = -0.21;
["x"] = 340.06;
["y"] = -43.02;
["z"] = -250.68;
["radius"] = 150;
["skillprofile"] = "Gathering_HQ";
["type"] = "Mining";
["usestealth"] = true;
[4] = {
["collectGP"] = 0;
["item1"] = "Titanium Ore";
["item2"] = "Raw Star Sapphire";
["mapid"] = 398;
["maxlevel"] = 70;
["mingp"] = 0;
["minlevel"] = 1;
["nodemaxlevel"] = 70;
["nodeminlevel"] = 55;
["pos"] = {
["h"] = 2.04;
["x"] = 518.14;
["y"] = -31.39;
["z"] = -442.71;
["radius"] = 150;
["skillprofile"] = "Gathering_HQ";
["type"] = "Mining";
["usestealth"] = true;
return obj1
add ["timeout"] = 2000; (# in milliseconds) to each of your tasks

should check the example.lua file in ffxivminion\gatherprofiles for anything you might have missed.

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