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Keyboard & Message Events, Alerts

I'm still a forum novice. Not sure if this is the right place.

I'm trying to understand if something is possible, might be possible soon or can be requested.

1. Keyboard events

I'd like to be able to register for key-press events in LUA for use in addons. Currently, I poll using MeshManager:IsKeyPressed(). This could help us build more complex key-press macros for assisted gameplay rather than fully automated gameplay (assist, grind botmodes)

2. Messages / Chats

I'd also like to be able to register for events for messages and chats that appear in chat window. Great would be to be able to register only for certain message types (e.g. Item Drops, Battle System Messages) as per the settings dialogs for Log Window Settings. This would help with dps meters, gold per hour meters, loot meters, etc.

3. Alerts

It would be great if we could pop up a window-less larger-font message on the screen programmatically from our addons. This would help with alerting when rare monsters spawn, specific fates start, debuffs expire, buffs expire, etc.

Maybe not interesting to farmers but I'm hoping I'm not the only one who uses mmominion for assistance more than for fully automated gameplay.

if you wanted assist game play you can put the bot in assist mode choose the the skills you want the bot to use and it will use only those skills
Unfortunately, in the standard assist mode, the entire fight is assisted. I want more granularity beyond just start-stop assist mode with one skill profile.

I have written an assist mod now that supports multiple skill profiles for different skill sequences. It's keypress based. So, if I keep (1) pressed, it will execute a specific skill sequence. If I switch to pressing (2) it will dynamically switch to another skill profile, etc. Unfortunately, I have to poll for the keypress event(s).

I'm not asking for any enhancements to the assist module. I'm asking for the ability to register for keypress events so I don't need to poll. Shouldn't be that hard and would be useful for my addon.
actually you can do this already with ACE addon. you can set certain skills to filter one and certain skills to filter 2. and set a hotkey up for turning on/off each filter.
Thanks. I'll take a look at how that addon captures keyboard events.

ACE uses keyboard polling as well. Not really elegant.

if ( MeshManager:IsKeyPressed(016) and MeshManager:IsKeyPressed(032) and ( ticks - FilterOneTick ) >= 750) then
(03-18-2014, 12:48 PM)jackie1234 Wrote:  actually you can do this already with ACE addon. you can set certain skills to filter one and certain skills to filter 2. and set a hotkey up for turning on/off each filter.

Jakie, where do you setup those hotkeys ?
we may be able to route the windows keyboard messages to lua, but i'll have to test that, it could have unwanted side effects.
Yeah, well. The Dude abides.

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