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Was the "Use Aetheryte" option removed?
About 3 weeks ago I lost the ability to find/use this feature. Was it taken out?
It's implicit now, there's no setting.
(03-14-2015, 11:10 PM)Ace Wrote:  It's implicit now, there's no setting.

Any idea why my bot never teleports when leveling and instead tries to take the ferry in Costa Del Sol/Wineport? Or how I could fix it?
you dont have those atheryetes unlocked
I may have to correct that part of the navigation.
(03-15-2015, 12:59 AM)Cichard Wrote:  you dont have those atheryetes unlocked

They're both unlocked. I just used them now successfully.
it doesnt do it for me in wineport, i miss that aetheryte option
how do you miss the option, it operates the same way, it jsut knows now if you have it unlocked or not so it TPS if so.
(03-17-2015, 03:30 PM)Cichard Wrote:  how do you miss the option, it operates the same way, it jsut knows now if you have it unlocked or not so it TPS if so.

I have it unlocked on both of my accounts but it still won't teleport.
yea you guys didnt explain your problem very well after talking with ace. You are wanting while fate grinding in that zone it to teleport to Wineprot from costa side. Because my bot Telepots just fine to wine port while doing questing, but yes in fates it will use the fairy for now. ace has a fix for it just needs to go live.

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