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Quick question about quest mode
I used the quest mode to level a pug to 15, then changed classes to a rogue however now when i try to active quest mode again to do all the little side quests and things to level up again it keeps trying to continue my old mission which would be satasha

My question is , is it possible to have the bot reset and do all the missions in limsa so i can level my rogue?
those profiles are meant to get you through the main story, you can only do the mainstory quests once. You'll probably need to make a custom profile If you want do all those side quests
Alright, normally wouldnt be a issue but, decided to go pug to 15 then pick up rogue to eventually go ninja, will just have to go about it manually .
why not just fate grind in summerford?
yeah fate grinding is so much better
True, alright thanks for the advice ill do that

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