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Tutorial-FFXIVMinion v1.5 "Gathering Unspoiled Nodes"
Is there a way to NOT have it automatically gather Hidden items? I want darksteel ore, which is very well priced atm, and it keeps gathering the Hidden item "Dark Matter Cluster", losing me darksteels in the process..
Have you tried disabling the "Gather Gardening", "Chocobo Food" and "Timeworn Maps" checkboxes on the Marker?
Yes, all are disabled. But it still gathers "hidden" items.

I know gardening, maps and such are "hidden" too... But, dark matter cluster isnt choco feed, map or gardening. It something new made in 3.0... and i cant stop it from gardenin it. Same goes for "unaspected crystal". They're in the same unspoiled node, and mine just gathers those before what i ask him to gather.... and since they're hidden and dont go away, it gathers 5 of those instead of maybe 1 and then going to darksteel.
I'd start poking around adding console logging statements ( d() ) in ffxiv_task_gather.lua, e_gather:execute() - see why it's going after those items instead of your named items
It does go after my item... only when no hiddens are in the same node. From what ive seen, out of 24 hours in game, (its a once a day node) it spawns without hidden objects once (and so it properly gathers what i specified, Darksteel), then next day it spawns with either Dark matter cluster, or with Unaspected crystal. The next day it spawns with whichever other hidden item it didnt spawn last time, and the third time it spawns without hiddens again and my bot gathers Darksteel again. This is the only node this happens in. I even made a new marker with different skill profile and GP stats and it still goes after those HIdden things i did not ask it to get.
(06-24-2015, 10:56 AM)chibilaharl Wrote:  anyone having an issue now where the bot wont teleport to anywhere but the starting location then tries to walk everywhere?

I'm having this exact issue. From its idle node the bot will always walk all the way to Mor Dhona for clusters. Only clusters are setup as unspoiled nodes.

No matter where the idle gathering location is set, the bot will always walk to Mor Dhona. I've uninstalled/reinstalled MMO Minion and manually deleted/re-added each marker by hand. Even still, he's always walking across 6 maps instead of teleporting.

He will, however, teleport back to the idle location.
I have been trying to get the unspoiled nodes to work for about 6 hours and the only thing that I have seemed to accomplish it that my miner goes to Limsa for Idle, then when the nodes are supposed to spawn it gets on the air ship and heads to ulda and then teleports to the node zone. Once it gets to the zone it does nothing else, just sits there. I have followed the tutorials to the letter and watched to videos until I can repeat them to you verbatim. Please assist. There has to be something little that I am overlooking.

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