Well I just found out that unless you subscribe to a product on this site, that you cant post anywhere but here. So I'm going to ask my question here and see who can help me.
I've been tinkering with a script for Indolent Imperial for a while now. I found it over a week ago on this site and its the entire reason why I am here in the first place. That and to see if this mmo bot becomes worth getting. But, that aside, I could use a bit of a hand.
That is my script. Im running into a problem where, right out of the gate, it goes to the Else on Alp. Ive tinkered with the timers a bit but Im just not seeing whats wrong.
Aside from that, at the bottom there is a bit of script over Pal's section. The whole coords/rbg thing. And I have NO idea what goes there. The rest really seems to just be timing stuff I have been tinkering with. Im pretty sure I have all the coords right with the exception of what's floating just over the Papalymo section (Seriously, didnt wanna touch that and break everything lol.)
So, hopefully some wizard here has the magic answer lol. And HOPEFULLY I used the right insertion method for putting that script into place O.O
EDIT: Oh, it also doesnt show the little black window with the number of games and whatnot played for some reason? o.O I saw that in someone's screenshot.
I've been tinkering with a script for Indolent Imperial for a while now. I found it over a week ago on this site and its the entire reason why I am here in the first place. That and to see if this mmo bot becomes worth getting. But, that aside, I could use a bit of a hand.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
WinGet, programid, List, FINAL FANTASY
CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
; Please read!
; When you modify the script for you setup, be sure
; to leave the "RGB" at the end of the PixelGetColor
; as well as the "0x" before the RGB values
; AHK uses BGR by default, but the Window Spy gives RGB values, so I made it easier to use
; I used and modified brooklynbase's script, so huge thanks to him
; Feedback would be appreciated @ http://www.mmominion.com/Thread-Gold-Saucer (script's posted on page 13)
; Deck is: Alphinaud, Urianger, Thancred, Y'shtola, Papalymo
; -ratdo
; Win Z to Start
; Create Window Tool Tip to show # of Games
sleep 2000
ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
Sleep 2000
ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
Sleep 2000
ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
Sleep 2000
ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
Sleep 2500
ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
Sleep 2000
ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
Sleep 2000
ControlSend,,{Numpad0}, ahk_id %programid1%
Sleep 10500
; Game started, Alphinaud
Sleep 2500
PixelGetColor, color, 799, 508, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty bottom right
if color = 0xC8C9B5
Click, 165, 372 ; Pick up Alphinaud
Sleep 12
Click, 165, 372 ; Pick up Alphinaud
Sleep 1
Click, 799, 508 ; Drop Alphinaud bottom right
PixelGetColor, color, 657, 488, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty middle bottom
if color = 0xCECCC0
Click, 165, 372 ; Pick up Alphinaud
Sleep 12
Click, 165, 372 ; Pick up Alphinaud
Sleep 3
Click, 657, 488 ; Drop Alphinaud middle bottom
Click, 165, 372 ; Pick up Alphinaud
Sleep 12
Click, 165, 372 ; Pick up Alphinaud
Sleep 1
Click, 844, 658 ; Drop Alphinaud bottom left
Sleep 5500 ; Imperial turn
; Our turn, Urianger
Sleep 3500
PixelGetColor, color, 655, 357, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty middle
if color = 0x878785
Click, 280, 363 ; Pick up Urianger
Sleep 12
Click, 280, 363 ; Pick up Urianger
Sleep 1
Click, 655, 357 ; Drop Urianger middle
PixelGetColor, color, 795, 359, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty middle right
if color = 0xCECCC0
Click, 280, 363 ; Pick up Urianger
Sleep 12
Click, 280, 363 ; Pick up Urianger
Sleep 1
Click, 795, 359 ; Drop Urianger middle right
Click, 280, 363 ; Pick up Urianger
Sleep 12
Click, 280, 363 ; Pick up Urianger
Sleep 1
Click, 657, 488 ; Drop Urianger middle bottom
Sleep 8000 ; Imperial turn
; Our turn, Thancred
Sleep 2500
PixelGetColor, color, 798, 224, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty top right
if color = 0xC0C0B7
Click, 382, 373 ; Pick up Thancred
Sleep 12
Click, 382, 373 ; Pick up Thancred
Sleep 1
Click, 798, 224 ; Drop Thancred top right
PixelGetColor, color, 663, 221, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty top middle
if color = 0xC3BBB0
Click, 382, 373 ; Pick up Thancred
Sleep 12
Click, 382, 373 ; Pick up Thancred
Sleep 1
Click, 663, 221 ; Drop Thancred top middle
Click, 382, 373 ; Pick up Thancred
Sleep 12
Click, 382, 373 ; Pick up Thancred
Sleep 1
Click, 524, 223 ; Drop Thancred top left
Sleep 5500 ; Imperial turn
; Our turn, Yshtola
Sleep 2500
PixelGetColor, color, 657, 488, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty middle bottom
if color = CECCC0
Click, 219, 496 ; Pick up Yshtola
Sleep 12
Click, 219, 496 ; Pick up Yshtola
Sleep 1
Click, 657, 488 ; Drop Yshtola middle bottom
PixelGetColor, color, 515, 489, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty bottom left
if color = 0xB9B2A7
Click, 219, 496 ; Pick up Yshtola
Sleep 12
Click, 219, 496 ; Pick up Yshtola
Sleep 1
Click, 515, 489 ; Drop Yshtola bottom left
PixelGetColor, color, 523, 359, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty middle left
if color = 0xD4A983
Click, 219, 496 ; Pick up Yshtola
Sleep 12
Click, 219, 496 ; Pick up Yshtola
Sleep 1
Click, 523, 359 ; Drop Yshtola middle left
Click, 219, 496 ; Pick up Yshtola
Sleep 12
Click, 219, 496 ; Pick up Yshtola
Sleep 1
Click, 524, 223 ; Drop Yshtola top left
Sleep 8500 ; Imperial turn
; If Imperial played first, we won't be playing Papalymo, we will set up next game
; Else we will play our last Papalymo card
; Here I used the timer bar in our side to know if we have to play or not, the color & coords are from around 30% of the
bar (If it's yellow/green, then we can play, so we play. If not, we don't play)
PixelGetColor, color, 641, 619, RGB
if color = 0x3A5A7A
PixelGetColor, color, 515, 489, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty bottom left
if color = 0xB9B2A7
Click, 325, 503 ; Pick up Papalymo
Sleep 12
Click, 325, 503 ; Pick up Papalymo
Sleep 1
Click, 844, 659 ; Drop Papalymo bottom left
Sleep 6000
PixelGetColor, color, 845, 521, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty middle left
if color = 0xD4A983
Click, 325, 503 ; Pick up Papalymo
Sleep 12
Click, 325, 503 ; Pick up Papalymo
Sleep 1
Click, 845, 521 ; Drop Papalymo middle left
Sleep 6000
PixelGetColor, color, 663, 221, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty top middle
if color = 0xC3BBB0
Click, 325, 503 ; Pick up Papalymo
Sleep 12
Click, 325, 503 ; Pick up Papalymo
Sleep 1
Click, 663, 221 ; Drop Papalymo top middle
Sleep 6000
PixelGetColor, color, 795, 359, RGB ; Put a color with respective coords from empty middle right
if color = 0xCECCC0
Click, 325, 503 ; Pick up Papalymo
Sleep 12
Click, 325, 503 ; Pick up Papalymo
Sleep 1
Click, 795, 359 ; Drop Papalymo middle right
Sleep 6000
Click, 325, 503 ; Pick up Papalymo
Sleep 12
Click, 325, 503 ; Pick up Papalymo
Sleep 1
Click, 524, 223 ; Drop Papalymo top left
Sleep 6000
Sleep 1
PixelGetColor, color, 638, 484, RGB ; Rematch check
if color = 0x8B8B8B
Click, 638, 484 ; Rematch button
Sleep 3
Click, 638, 484 ; Rematch button
Sleep 1
Click, 638, 484 ; Rematch button
Sleep 1000
Click, 638, 484 ; Rematch button
Sleep 3
Click, 638, 484 ; Rematch button
Sleep 1
Click, 638, 484 ; Rematch button
Sleep 2500
PixelGetColor, color, 628, 541, RGB ; Match info check
if color = 0x0E0E0E
Click, 628, 541 ; Confirm button
Sleep 1
Click, 628, 541 ; Confirm button
Sleep 1
Click, 628, 541 ; Confirm button
Sleep 1000
Click, 628, 541 ; Confirm button
Sleep 1
Click, 628, 541 ; Confirm button
Sleep 1
Click, 628, 541 ; Confirm button
Sleep 2500
PixelGetColor, color, 690, 222, RGB ; Deck screen check
if color = 0xF4E2E6
Click, 690, 222 ; First deck selected
Sleep 1
Click, 690, 222 ; First deck selected
Sleep 1
Click, 690, 222 ; First deck selected
Sleep 1000
Click, 690, 222 ; First deck selected
Sleep 1
Click, 690, 222 ; First deck selected
Sleep 1
Click, 690, 222 ; First deck selected
That is my script. Im running into a problem where, right out of the gate, it goes to the Else on Alp. Ive tinkered with the timers a bit but Im just not seeing whats wrong.
Aside from that, at the bottom there is a bit of script over Pal's section. The whole coords/rbg thing. And I have NO idea what goes there. The rest really seems to just be timing stuff I have been tinkering with. Im pretty sure I have all the coords right with the exception of what's floating just over the Papalymo section (Seriously, didnt wanna touch that and break everything lol.)
So, hopefully some wizard here has the magic answer lol. And HOPEFULLY I used the right insertion method for putting that script into place O.O
EDIT: Oh, it also doesnt show the little black window with the number of games and whatnot played for some reason? o.O I saw that in someone's screenshot.