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Crafting recipe issue
I am not having an issues with crafting, however I did notice an issue with crafting recipes. One such recipe is for Titanium nuggets, both 2332(BSM) and 2404(ARM). The bot has it standard set to 80 dur, but the nugget is 40 dur. I made the change manually and I am currently going through and checking on the recipes for any like errors.

PS: Found that the dur for Cloud mica whetstone 2541(GSM) is standard set to 70 dur vice 35 dur.
tagging onto this because I'm...completely baffled as to what's going on with crafting right now and I can't get it to work at all...I'll try to setup a craft order with a single item (which also has the dur issue...seems like most items do both in minionapp and on etc.) but...then it crashes out literally every time and I end up with not being able to edit a craft order at all.

failed with
[string "C:\MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion\LuaMods\/ffxivminion/ffxiv_task_craft.lua"]:1029: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)

which makes it seem like it's looking for craft orders but getting none since I can't add or delete a craft order after the initial bomb out. Reloading LUA modules does nothing as well.

Really close to blowing away the full install and trying again but man is it frustrating!

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