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Unspoiled Mining Node Help
I am trying to set up an Unspoiled Mining node profile. I followed Sebbs' tutorial ( and have everything set up the way he does but when I click run bot nothing happens - even in the console screen nothing changes, I have gathered everything from the node before, I am just a little stuck on what I might be doing wrong, any help would be muchly appreciated 

Here is my settings, I just changed the pos and whitelist entries 
[Image: oFa08wh] (

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time based nodes should have an idle position for when they arnt active.
spelling and spacing needs to be perfect so some of the use stealth stuff wont work

be more specific about what u need help with plz
["type"] = "mining";
            ["whitelist"] = "1";
            ["radius"] = 100;
            ["minlevel"] = 50;
            ["item1"] = "Darksteel Ore";
            ["item2"] = "3";
            ["mapid"] = 155;
            ["pos"] = {
                ["x"] = 282;
                ["y"] = 301;
                ["z"] = -98;
            ["skillprofile"] = "Gathering_Leveling";
            ["eorzeaminhour"] = 1;
            ["eorzeamaxhour"] = 3;
            ["resetdaily"] = true;
            ["highpriority"] = true;
            ["unspoiled"] = true;
(12-15-2016, 02:12 PM)sebbs Wrote:  time based nodes should have an idle position for when they arnt active.
spelling and spacing needs to be perfect so some of the use stealth stuff wont work

be more specific about what u need help with plz
["type"] = "mining";
            ["whitelist"] = "1";
            ["radius"] = 100;
            ["minlevel"] = 50;
            ["item1"] = "Darksteel Ore";
            ["item2"] = "3";
            ["mapid"] = 155;
            ["pos"] = {
                ["x"] = 282;
                ["y"] = 301;
                ["z"] = -98;
           ["skillprofile"] = "Gathering_Leveling";
            ["eorzeaminhour"] = 1;
            ["eorzeamaxhour"] = 3;
            ["resetdaily"] = true;
            ["highpriority"] = true;
            ["unspoiled"] = true;

The problem is just that when I click enable bot my character doesn't do anything, even if I'm standing right in front of the unspoiled node he just stands there and nothing happens in the console either, so I think I must have something written wrong - I updated it with your code and my character still just stands there
my code is 1 task.

check your bots ez time.
check 1 task at a time.
once it works add it to the main file you want to use.
(12-16-2016, 03:51 AM)sebbs Wrote:  my code is 1 task.

check your bots ez time.
check 1 task at a time.
once it works add it to the main file you want to use.

Okay thanks I will give that a shot!
could you link your main file for Unspoiled nodes so I can work off that?

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