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Grind mode
i need help!! I'm trying to do class quests (FFXIV), or any type of quest. but the bot still decides on its own to kill random mobs and do fates. wtf?

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(08-01-2020, 12:05 AM)crimson_wolf13 Wrote:  i need help!! I'm trying to do class quests (FFXIV), or any type of quest. but the bot still decides on its own to kill random mobs and do fates. wtf?

Hi mate, no its not just doing this at random. I was in your very shoes not too long ago and I found a few things out by myself after studying the bot a while. Basically it goes through a checklist of what needs doing like 

Do requirements for class quest eligibility (hunting log, high enough level etc.) Only then will it continue on to your class quest. Now one important thing to remember is that at any point during the hunting log phase the bot encounters a mob which can ONLY be found in a dungeon, it will do what yours is doing and skip to grind mode until you manually knock those mobs off the list for it to continue.

So yeah basically, character either not high enough level or "dungeon only" mobs in hunting log need doing first. Hope this helps!

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