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8 man run with 2 accounts
Hi guys,

I know some of us are doing 8 man run with less than 8 accounts such as coil or ex primals. What are your advice for that ?
You just queu in DF with your accounts ? When you get in what do you do ? Do nothing and wait until everyone wipe and leave then you teleport the dungeon ? Is that kind of risky ?

Thanks for sharing ^^
Hard to do it outside of PF. In DF (as far as I can tell), if you aren't the initial leader before everyone leaves then it will auto search for more members and this is obviously a bad thing if you are teleporting. Also, DF is unpredictable. Most of the runs I queue for the members abandon duty which wastes all the time you put into failing with them in an attempt to solo.

If you are trying to solo the most reliable thing I can say is to make a PF group. If it works out that you fail that is your best chance to solo/duo/trio/
group up with other people on yoru server that bot and group in 8
Yeah tried to do that but kind of hard to make a group of 8 since I'm not NA and most ppl in my server are. I'm thinking of getting 8 accounts but it's really expansive so I guess I'll try to find 8 ppl anyway. Tnaks guys ^^
well i think you have no other choices than create 7 other accounts ... i'm in the same situation than you and try to farm primals extreme for the mount since 2 weeks now and i rarely found enought ppl to do it ( 3 times in fact , for 16h of conection in the game for 14 days, session disband after 1h ) , once they get they mount they just leave and dont come back to farm
(07-20-2014, 08:11 PM)Mitsuomi Wrote:  Hi guys,

I know some of us are doing 8 man run with less than 8 accounts such as coil or ex primals. What are your advice for that ?
You just queu in DF with your accounts ? When you get in what do you do ? Do nothing and wait until everyone wipe and leave then you teleport the dungeon ? Is that kind of risky ?

Thanks for sharing ^^

Get the people you know that have minion or wanna come and know you have minion. The put up a party finder and fill the slots with people you don't know. Inter the instance and Troll try to do some of it for like 5mins so it looks legit then let someone troll or logout and wait for those people to leave. Then have like tha one person login and do your coil or whatever. Done.

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