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Fate Auto Blacklisting Happening frequently
I am not sure why this is happening often, is there an option to turn off fate auto fate blacklisting?
are you using waiting %?
I am not, but I see where the issue is. I thought I had set BlacklistTimer to 0, but the lowest it can go is 30 and highest is 600. After setting to 0, it defaulted to 30 seconds and that is why it auto blacklists every fate that isn't already started. But should this only be activated feature if WaitForCompleted is greater than 0?
i have the same issu. But WaitForCompleted is 0
but my char runs to the Fate wait 1 sec and then BLacklist.
(04-03-2014, 02:20 PM)Shaolin2 Wrote:  i have the same issu. But WaitForCompleted is 0
but my char runs to the Fate wait 1 sec and then BLacklist.

raise your blist timer?????
the Timer is standard 60.
But i watch the Toon and 80% blist the Bot the same FATE.
so i think the Bot has problems with specific FATES

all other Fates is the chance to Blist it immediatly very low.
Were you able to solve this issue? I am having the same problem.
If you're completion % is 0, this won't happen. Now, if it wasn't, and got temporarily blacklisted, and you reloaded, there's some chance it became a permanent blacklist by accident, and you will have to manually clear this using the Blacklist Manager / Fates. If you don't want to set it to 0, you should definitely up the wait time to 120-240, 30 is too low unless you're on a very populated server.

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