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Auto confirm on/off
in beta minion, i cant find an option to turn off auto confirm invites/teleports ect.. solution atm is turn bot on and off all the time. main bot has the auto confirm duty which the beta has as well but everything else seems to be on all the time. am i missing an option? or did am i already using the only solution with the beta
its not an option anywhere. and auto confirm duty is only in assit mode. what happens the bot thinks its its the death menu popping up. so it clicks through the option. what you need to do is in game option disable invites and fc invites.
y would they change it to auto accept rez on assist mode? that should probably be changed to an option at the very least as theres often times u want to time your rez.
its kinda always been there that way any time something pops up it clicks it. thats why its hard to trade with the bot running

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