- Account Name: Your FFXIV Account Name.
- Password: Your FFXIV Account Password.
- Server Name: The Name of the Server you are playing on.
- Character Name: The Name of the Character you want to login.
- Keycode: The Minion-Keycode you bought.
- Forum Password: The MMOMinion Forum Password.
- Datacenter: The Datacenter you want to login to. (这个是啥玩意。。?)
- Password: Your FFXIV Account Password.
- Server Name: The Name of the Server you are playing on.
- Character Name: The Name of the Character you want to login.
- Keycode: The Minion-Keycode you bought.
- Forum Password: The MMOMinion Forum Password.
- Datacenter: The Datacenter you want to login to. (这个是啥玩意。。?)