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Autoloot issue
For some reason my autoloot dont work properly , in duty mod sometimes it roll properly ( need or greed or pass in any mod, in need mod) but it seems like it randomly pass items that he can need ( passed mounts , pets and ressources , equipement ) , it does that with both of my accounts , and i noticed the same issue in a third player in my party i 'already tryed a fresh install of ffxivminion it didnt work , i still had this issue.
When you set the bot to any mode for rolling the bot first tries to NEED the item if it cant NEED the item it will Greed it if it cant Greed the item it will Pass it. The way it works is the bot just rolls need greed pass, because hte options will either be avalible or disabled it should roll the first thing the game doesnt have disabled. If you set it to need, the bot will only roll need, if you set it to greed the bot will only roll greed.
Thanks for your explanation Jackie , but i knew this , my issue isn't a mistake i did with settings , when i set my autoloot ANY sometimes it just pass for ressources he CAN need , for items he CAN need ( mounts , pet, armor piece) , i tried with both , i did a Fresh installation of ffxiv minion ( cut/past all the duty profiles from the old instalation in the new one) and it still does the same I'm runing 2 accounts at the same time ( blm and bard) and they both pass for the same ressources , or specific items ( mount , pet) when they CAN Need or greed . they are both set in ANY , i tried with the NEED setting , it has the same behaviour , also the reset timer is set to 60 if it can be usefull to reolve this issue
It seems it's because it takes too long to roll , so the reamining timer for rolling is over and it automaticly pass
i was explaning how it works... which answers your question... It just goes NEED, GREED,PASS. If becaues of Lag or server delay, the bot sends those options. once it tries and sends need if the game doesnt pick that up the bot doesnt know that. the bot always sends NEED,Greed,Pass. even if Need is accepted teh bot sends GREED,PASS. So if server delay or lag doesnt register the NEED or GREED it may pick up the pass. If all 3 happen to miss then the timer runs till it runs out of time.

its best if you want specific items on a specific character to set it to need. This way your sure to get it on that character.
ok thanks you

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