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Not logging in, always having to attach the bot.
Well I entered in my credentials and everything is entered in correct...

Name/Password/Server/Char Name/Forum Password/Key etc are all correct and my game path is

D:\Program Files (x86)\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XIV - A Realm Reborn\game

Every time I hit start it says Invalid account.

Log says:

10:15:34 [V] ==> Lauching new FFXIV instance for character ****** on server Hyperion.
10:15:36 [C] ==> Invalid FFXIV account login info for ********.
invalid account means it was unable to authenticate with the actual ffxiv servers. Something is not right with your actual ffxiv login/pass
great...because I've changed my password a couple times and everything and it still isn't working :/
I got it taken care of. some reason he was pointing the bot to a D drive copy of the game. when i pointed the launcher to the C drive copy of hte game it worked fine.

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