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PVP Questions
I've been PVP-ing for a while but get pretty burnt out trying to farm PVP rank, especially if your grand company in frontlines are notorious for having a high loss rate, so I decided to lurk the forums and see if there was any PVP threads.

I was able to read up on it enough, but it's still going to be my first time using this bot for pvp so I just have a few questions.

The ideal way to farm I've noticed is Frontlines. However, I noticed that in the marker list for the Frontlines mesh, there were several markers for all the outposts.

As someone who mainly uses the bot for gathering, this had me thinking that...will this mean that my character will not follow the alliance/group that they're in and only go to those markers?

I mean you don't get to choose what alliance you'll be so you're either going left, middle, or right and from what i know when you use markers, the character will only run to that marker. Or markers, if it's in a marker list.

So does this mean we basically act independently from the party we get put into and not follow them? That seems a bit messy considering parties should usually stay in a group to maximize success rates. If that's the case, it seems like the better option is to just farm wolves den, no matter how much slower that one may be.

Also, yes I do solo queue and I know it's dismal sometimes, but during peak hours, it's pretty quick so I don't really mind. My main concern really is how the bot performs in frontlines with their party.
the short answer is dont use this for frontlines.

you will run by yourself solo into groups of enemies and look like an obvious bot.
That's the answer I was looking for, thank you. Wolves Den it is.
well with the new pvp, if you create your own nav mesh.. basically everyone gathers at the center of the map and starts wacking .

before slaughter i've been using the pvp mode from rank 1-30 it just depends on your luck getting kicked out and all
This is true!

I did think about Frontlines Slaughter, but I thought it too early in the patch for MMOMinion to have any meshes already out for it.

Frontlines Slaughter basically sounds quite ideal to farming rank, considering that at its core, it's a kill count pvp, so it wouldn't be too strange if someone decided to head for the middle (or anywhere else away from the party) in order to pick fights.

They also supposedly made PVP queues work better, so I shall be patient and see what happens in the future for Frontlines. Slaughter, at least because Secure still doesn't sound ideal for farming if you don't want to look like a bot.

In the mean time, I'll just monitor my character and see how it does in Wolves Den.

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