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Default Botany and Mining preconfigured for what zones?

I am new here. I want to know how many botany and mining markers have been preconfigured for use in leveling those 2 classes. So far it seems to be up to 20. I am just trying to figure out when i need to start making my own.

Another question. what is involved in creating new profiles for specific gathering of items specifically gathering for levee's for my crafting classes.

The tutorials section seems to have old info, is there a specific sub forum for what changed between versions? How often are the tutorials updated?

Many thanks for all your help.
every zone has markers for leveling. you just have to manually switch zones once you run out of markers in that zone. the tutorial isnt old gathering hasnt changed.
Ah Great to hear. Is there anyway to see ingame what markers there are for the various gathering points?
i suggest you head over to the tutorial page and check a look at marker mananger and how to gather tutorial. basically every zone has markers based on level range of the nodes in that zone. so you just level 1-5 at one marker 6-10 at another marker then you may have to switch zones for a 10-15 marker.

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