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is it possible to run free trial and purchased version on same laptop?
Is it possible? I tried installing the free trial and it tries to remove my purchased version. Anyway to workaround that so i can have both on my laptop? Or do you guys run your bot on a separate computer?
what? free trial? are you talking about free trial of hte game? its the same exact game. you just log in with the "new" account details the account thats on the free trial. you dont need to install a different version of the game lol.
The launcher will only attempt to set up a free trial if it does not find an FFXIV folder inside my documents/my games. Once you actually set up the account, the game doesn't care if there are more accounts present.

If you are trying to set up a trial account, simply move your ffxiv folder out of my games, set up the trial, then move the folder back.

You can also set up the trial on a different pc and then simply login on your laptop.
Thank you so much!
What can you use a free trial for? I know there are a lot of restrictions in place, so I'm curious.
pretty much you can get to lvl 15 totaly free time i guess

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