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Change in Duty Functionality?
In general I only set a profile for the leader, and the others all to none when doing duties...the reason for this is several-fold.

1. The bots, when left to their own devices, will get stagger-stepped and the party will be in different places through the dungeon.

2. I only have 2 accounts of my own so while I "manage" the party by switching out duties and modifying this or that and keeping everyone else in the loop a party of 8 might be comprised of bots running on as many as 5 machines in different parts of the country.

Until this week that all worked fine...I'd set the profile, everyone else would set to none and they'd just follow me around....worked beautifully.

Now however if any of the profiles are set to none, even when running on the same machine they don't follow the leader but rather stand idle.

This, in practice, means that I can't run duties anymore because I don't have direct access to those other accounts or machines...and while we can agree to run a specific profile for a few hours it means that if it staggers or something goes wrong I have to get everyone back on the phone or skype to fix it. :(

Any ideas? Was this an intentional change or is there a new setting I need to be aware of?
Temporary change to alleviate some problems while I could investigate a particular issue. It will probably be reverted back today after re-verifying some code.
if you all run the same profile and it does not have "independant"= true then they just folow the leader. there is also a couple addons where you can switch the profiles, they could use controller and someone runs teh multibot server, then all the bots conntect to that. or you can run remote controller and everyone in the group can join that and you can control all the bots from a web interface. you can change roles, and everything. This way if you run 1 dungeon that needs heals and one that doesnt you can controll the other accounts.
(05-06-2015, 05:54 PM)Ace Wrote:  Temporary change to alleviate some problems while I could investigate a particular issue. It will probably be reverted back today after re-verifying some code.

Awesome! Thanks Ace. :)

(05-07-2015, 12:29 AM)Cichard Wrote:  if you all run the same profile and it does not have "independant"= true then they just folow the leader. there is also a couple addons where you can switch the profiles, they could use controller and someone runs teh multibot server, then all the bots conntect to that. or you can run remote controller and everyone in the group can join that and you can control all the bots from a web interface. you can change roles, and everything. This way if you run 1 dungeon that needs heals and one that doesnt you can controll the other accounts.

I've not spent much time playing with the multibot / remote bot addons. Is there one you recommend? I've looked around for a guide and didn't see one, but it would be pretty awesome to be able to easily control the entire party without adjusting each client like I am now!
basically what you can get is "remote controlller" by ace. Then you just run the multi bot server on your computer. Each account then sets up the multibot manager with the IP address Group name and password for the multibot server you are running on your computer. Then any one of the accounts can change the profile or mode and several other nice things.

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