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noob setting up frontlines

having trouble finding mates to do soldiery caps so i thought why not try frontlines and just keep it on all day long... i know nothing about pvp never been in one before...

trying to set this up before work, the q time is way to long so just wanted to ask if this config is correct

bot mode pvp
skill profile bard
nav frontlines slaughter
prioerty 1 healer
anti afk move on rest off

i did add ace's mesh
into the navigation folder (i am fortunately maelstrom ^^)

anything to change? i did notice i need to select the slaughter duty. do i have to always select the duty?

thank you for your help ^^
I've been doing this recently and you only have to select the duty once when you log in. After that the bot will requeue no problem. Your settings are fine any chance you're on cactuar?
tonberry unfortunately, a lot of closet botters in here lol ^^

how long for each queue in your server just wondering??
I've been being called out on botting a bit and getting kicked often lately. Wasn't a problem before but now its becoming frequent to where I can't get any wolf marks or tomestones.
Honestly I just would not queue for frontlines, it's too risky.
If you're not party B, you don't always want to be at the center. You would want to go to the nodes that spawn some time in between the fight.
You could also put a timer to go to those locations, but again, it's weird if you're team B and decide to diverge to another place when you're supposed to stay in the center.

Speaking from experience of just legitimately doing frontlines, not following your alliance party will tick them off. And if you don't go with them, they'll probably have you kicked, know your name, and when they see you again (because you will meet the same pvpers again, even from the same server as you), will have you kicked before the thing starts.

If it was purely just going to the center in slaughter, yeah sure bot all day, but it's not. You're still expected to follow whichever alliance you belong to, and the bot doesn't do that. Yet, anyway.
(05-10-2015, 01:40 AM)Kireien Wrote:  Speaking from experience of just legitimately doing frontlines, not following your alliance party will tick them off. And if you don't go with them, they'll probably have you kicked, know your name, and when they see you again (because you will meet

Oh man this. I didn't really read up on what front lines slaughter was about. I just assumed it was a DM so I just had it go to the center to pvp. After a good 3 days of easy tomes and wolf marks I found on the 4th day people were calling my character out as soon as it got in and kicked minutes after. Going to need a name change just in case I get recognized outside of pvp haha.
Another thing is in Slaughter, you're not expected to bum rush the healer like you normally would in secure FL because they're usually protected harder and other heals can easily keep them alive. A melee (say a Monk, because I read somewhere that is the recommended PvP Bot class) can easily get flanked and die within seconds when rushing into the enemy-saturated side that's defending their heals.

Also, the kill order is actually Nodes -> Battle High -> Anything else, use best judgement.

Tactics are very dynamic in Slaughter that all depend on how close the enemy is, who's marked, who the tank is stunlocking, who's hitting the healer, etc etc.

If you *must* bot a FL for whatever reason, be a tank, and do Secure FL.
Then just put a marker on your GC base area.
People will think you're guarding it. It'll probably get obvious after a while but in my opinion, it's less of a hassle than Slaughter.

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