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[error report] hunting log target id 256
Seems like minion finds id 256 as the best choice, but does not go after it. I just stand there after teleporting to S.thanalan.

D = "Distance measured from player position to target params for id [256] is xxx"
D = "Distance measured from player position to target params for id [303] is xxx"
D = "Target ID 256 is the best choice."
I think these are Amaalj'aa Bruisers.

Hunted 256 and 303 manually and restarted the huntinglua and get this:

failed with [string "PATH\luamods\/ffxivminion/ffxiv_task_huntlog.lua"]:814:no valid position table was received.
which class?
Bard, and I think it was trying to mix in some limsa GC stuff.
(07-04-2015, 05:42 PM)Chunky Wrote:  Bard, and I think it was trying to mix in some limsa GC stuff.

Yeah, should have looked before I asked, hehe. Twin Adder and maelstrom both kill them and aren't involved in class huntlogs.

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