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SkillManager - Sharpcast interupts
Hey folks!

Trying to dabble with the Skill profiles and optimise a BLM profile. At the moment for my opener I'm just trying to do something really simple:

Quelling Strikes
Fire III

Fire III is set to Previous Skill ID of 3574 (Sharpcast) while the other two skills are blank. The problem is that Fire III doesn't wait for Sharpcast to finish casting and will interrupt it. This order is critical to getting a decent BLM opener happening (you need to pre-cast Sharpcast to maximise DPS).

Any tricks you could point out to how I can get Fire III to respect Sharpcast and allow it to finish? (I thought maybe I could use the Has Buffs field but doesn't look like Sharpcast has a valid buff id. :(

Sharpcast buff id = 867

You can check buffs via Dev -> Buffs
Thanks so much for that idurus! I'll be giving that a try today for sure. I tried looking at Dev-Buffs but had no idea how to look up the currently active buffs.

Randomly cycling through 900 id's for a 10 second buff didn't seem like the right way to use it but that's all I could figure out! :(

If you lookup a spell, and click on it's "status" instead of "skill", the URL tells you the status ID.
Ace, thank you so much! This is going to save me so much time! :D

Wish me luck, trying to make an end-game BLM profile seeing that there's a bit of a gap in that space.

Hope idurus beats me to it though as getting the logic right is going to drive me insane!

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