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Bot won't attach.
I have been away from FFXIV for several months. Im coming back to play the game now and to my surprise the MMO Minion has gotten quite the face lift. Ive installed the new client and set it up, yet I'm having trouble getting the bot to attach.

I click start, it says queued to start, it launches the exe, then nothing happens from there. When I alt+tab back over to the bot it says, "waiting to attach bot", then shortly after it just goes back to saying "queued to start".

I need assistance.
answer teh questiosn in hte sticky of this forums please.
* What OS are you running?
Windows 10 Home 64-bit

* What AV is installed?(Antivirus)
Windows Defender

* Where is the bot installed?(installed path)

* Do you have any Anti-Malware installed?

* do you have Mumble, Teamspeak, Fraps, any other recording software, Nvida Gamers Experience, Raptr, Caytalist Control Center, guildworks,Teamviwer installed?
Yes, I use Discord

* Did you follow the install instructions found HERE

* Are you running the bot as admin?

* Are you using the attach button or having minionapp launch the client?
Ive tried both and neither worked out. I have it currently launching the client.

*Are you running any Bot addons?
No. Fresh install.
remove the softonic and discord and try again.
I've uninstalled both applications and Minion still wont attach :'(
did you restart your computer after the uninstall, are you pointing the bot to ffxiv.exe or ffxivboot.exe?
Still no luck. I did do a restart and it is launching ffxiv.exe
under settings attach method set to compatablity and try that.
You're the man Cichard! That made it work! What exactly is the difference between the default and compatibility mode?
hi, i'm having problems attaching bot with my 2nd ffxiv account. i'm trying to run two bots in one computer. My main account runs fine. But when i attach bot on my alt, as soon as it starts attaching into game alt ffxiv account completly shuts off. And just the alt. My main continues running fine.

What can i do to fix this?
I tried using default instead of compability mode and the bot sucesfully attached. But default mode is empty. it doesnt have anything to run stuff like in compability mode.

Their are some errors on the log under the mmo minion app. i attach a screenshot.    

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