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GSM profiles
I can't seem to find a GSM profile in my drop down menu or in the forums is there somewhere i can download one?
you mean skill profile or crafting profile?
The skill profile mostly but I also don't see the class profile either

I also click on use HQ mats but it doesn't use them just starts to craft and stands back up

I tried with multiple materials it does not want to use HQ mat i have to lower the quality and then craft
there are no "class" profiles for crafting. just skill profiles and then you can create a crafting profile with the in game ui. the skill profiles are used based on durablitly not class. I have 2 leveling profiles one for 40 durabliity and one for 70/80 dura. i can use it on every class.

this is the guide for making crafting orders.
(11-05-2015, 03:15 PM)Cichard Wrote:  there are no "class" profiles for crafting. just skill profiles and then you can create a crafting profile with the in game ui. the skill profiles are used based on durablitly not class. I have 2 leveling profiles one for 40 durabliity and one for 70/80 dura. i can use it on every class.

this is the guide for making crafting orders.

I noticed that after but could you address my other problem with the HQ mats it does not work when i use HQ even though i have the box checked

also could you share your profiles?
if you are going to set up crafting orders you need to set the specific recipe in the order to use HQ mats. If you are not using them you need to enable Craft HQ mats under general tab in advance settings.
(11-05-2015, 04:43 PM)Cichard Wrote:  if you are going to set up crafting orders you need to set the specific recipe in the order to use HQ mats. If you are not using them you need to enable Craft HQ mats under general tab in advance settings.

I see thank you that was very helpful

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