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Pathing Issue?
Hi, Not sure what is the issue but during gathering the bot will on occasions go to a position and simply hover just above the ground and do nothing.
Note... It doesn't always do this. It will successfully gather multiple times and then seems to just hover on random occasions and can not recover on its own.
If I notice it I can manually make it land and then it will continue on it's merry way.

[Image: r3HLWOt.jpg]
So this is happening at multiple zones / locations and types of nodes.

Is there not a way to make the bot land if it is simply stuck hovering and not doing something in any given amount of time?
Confirmed here as well. I leveled mining 50-60 this week and seems there was one location for every marker team I set up that I'd just hover there on my mount, but if I manually moved enough to touch the ground it'd run off like nothing happened. Last night I bought Sebbs' gathering classes profile and started doing the 10/12/2 nodes, and several of those get stuck hovering just over the ground. Again, if I force land it'll take off and do everything else normally. Someone else mentioned the same thing on his add-on thread.

For me it's so far confirmed at raw agate, hardsilver sand, hardsilver ore, abalathian mistletoe, and adamantite ore.

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