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Just resubbed - Movement?
was probly a setting in the setting file then.
I have the auto-face setting in the bot disabled. Also tried enabling / disabling the target settings in game but still happens. Best example of the problem is when doing the fate "Rebel Yehl" in Sea of Clouds. The bot always stutters back and forth when doing that fate. Problem only happens on melee classes. Range classes are fine.
hi devs, i'd like to point out that this is also happening to me when doing fates, it happens when someone is pulling the monster away from you. and the bot will of course follow the monster, it would stutter like crazy back and fort but still would follow the monster of course. at first, i thought that this can't be seen outside. but when i looked again from another account. its way too obvious that its a bot.

Edit: only happens on melee classes.

another Edit: it happens on this fate on my monk class.

map: Coerthas Central Highlands
fate: Judge, Jury and Executioner (L39
monster: Dragonfly

- when its chasing down the monster (when someone pulled) it does that erratic movement.

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