I did everything it said in the wiki however it doesn't cast my line.
Once you Create a new marker, you can edit the marker for your desired effect.
Marker Settings:
Name: You can Change the Name of the marker.
Fish Time: You can adjust the duration the bot will stay at this marker.
Player level Min: Sets What level it will start using this marker.
Player level Max: Sets what level it will stop using this marker.
Bate Name: The name of the bait you want to use at this marker
Use Mooch: Enables the use of Mooch.
Use Patience I: Enables the use of Patience I.
Use Patience II: Enables the use of Patience II.
Use Fish Eyes: Enables the use of Fish Eyes.
Use Chum: Enables the use of Chum.
Use Stealth: Enables the use of stealth at this marker.
Dangerous: Much more careful about Mob Aggro.
Once you have all your markers set and configured enable the bot and begin fishing.
Once you Create a new marker, you can edit the marker for your desired effect.
Marker Settings:
Name: You can Change the Name of the marker.
Fish Time: You can adjust the duration the bot will stay at this marker.
Player level Min: Sets What level it will start using this marker.
Player level Max: Sets what level it will stop using this marker.
Bate Name: The name of the bait you want to use at this marker
Use Mooch: Enables the use of Mooch.
Use Patience I: Enables the use of Patience I.
Use Patience II: Enables the use of Patience II.
Use Fish Eyes: Enables the use of Fish Eyes.
Use Chum: Enables the use of Chum.
Use Stealth: Enables the use of stealth at this marker.
Dangerous: Much more careful about Mob Aggro.
Once you have all your markers set and configured enable the bot and begin fishing.