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I've been getting high 90s fflogs percentiles on my Skillmanager profiles, but I'd like to push them even further.  Can we add some sort of better GCD detection?  As is, the current skillmanager will fire off multiple (at times 4!) oGCD and interrupt the GCD time waaaaay too much.  So much so that sometimes even bard will lose dots with a 4 second refresh window because its firing off oGCDs...

My idea has been to create oGCD windows.  2 for sure and maybe 3 in the rare case that you'd triple weave. 

Something like this should work with skill queueing:
oGCD window 1 = 1%-33%{your GCD}
oGCD window 2 = 25%-66%{your GCD}
oGCD window 3 = 60%-90%{your GCD}

I know I've brought this up a few times in the past but its been a long time and I thought y'all were caught up enough on Stormblood issues to revisit.

You would be bettor off designing an ACR.
Skill managers will never have the condition logic for a lot of things
Just that ACR cannot do a lot of the things that skillmanager does. At least to someone that cannot program one /cry. There is an absolute CRAP-TON of logic that the skillmanager can do. For my better profiles, they were quite ahead of the ACRs and might still be even with the minor issues here and there.

A system like skillmanager is just going to be better because it can be tweaked constantly and instantly. From the feedback I see on ACR it just doesn't sound like like changes happen enough or timely enough. Nor does it sound like the creators really even play this game much, might be wrong there?

Plus, you're relying on others to fix on their time and only if they can be convinced of your issue. Players in early progression raid groups need to constantly be changing openers and rotation and stuff here and there, instantly. Skillmanager is absolutely incredible at what it can achieve and I wish more focus would be put on it...

Edit: if I did have the skills to create an ACR that would be ideal I guess, but not for the whole community who might want to play a different style or whose raid group might want them to play a different style.

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